
A pile of sunflower seeds on top of a table.


1) Weight loss
Rye assists in weight loss because it’s high in fiber and contains fewer calories. Studies show that Rye can help in losing body fat as it’s a natural hunger suppressant for up to eight hours.

2) Prevention of Gallstones
Because of the high content of fiber and elements found in Rye, it decreases the amount of bile acids that lead to gallstones.

3) Boosts Metabolism
The super fiber in Rye can boost your metabolic rate by utilizing certain properties that assists your body to use up all the extra energy that would have been converted to fat. It’s a win, win!

4) Rye May Fight Diabetes
Rye has a low glycemic index which produces less amounts of glucose. It’s perfect for avoiding insulin spikes in people with Diabetes and balances your blood sugar levels. This grain is great for digestion health! The fiber is called prebiotic which can help rid constipation, stomach cramps and pains.

5) Anti-inflammatory
Rye may decrease the inflammation in your body. How great is that?

6) Heart Health
It has been found that because the fiber lowers cholesterol levels, this grain can help prevent heart disease.

7) Fights Asthma
An elementary school study showed that children who incorporated Rye in their diet, decreased their chances of childhood Asthma.

8) Prevents Cancer
Studies have showed that Rye can protect against Colorectal Cancer, Colon Cancer and Breast Cancer. Children who eat Rye bread can decrease their chances of ever having Prostate Cancer by 50 percent.

9) Hormonal Balance
Rye improves Menstrual Health and Bowel Function. It additionally has been good for women dealing with Menopause.

10) Beneficial For Skeletal Health
The rich quantities of magnesium and calcium in Rye is excellent for bones and teeth!