Rolled Oats

A close up of oats in the background

Avenanthramides are a superb antioxidant that are mainly found in Oats. This may be responsible for lowering blood pressure. Not only are the Avenanthramides anti-inflammatory, but it also aids with itching; thus, beneficial for applying directly to the skin. Another antioxidant found in Oats is ferulic acid.

A soluble fiber in Oats called beta-glucan can reduce bad LDL cholesterol levels, reduce blood sugar and insulin response, increase full feelings and provide good bacteria in the digestive system.

In conclusion, Oats can assist with Asthma, Elevated Blood Pressure, Inflammatory Disease, Type 2 Diabetes, High Cholesterol, Skin Itching and Dryness, Weight Loss, Constipation and overall health. Gold Standard Organic Baked Goods uses Organic Oats in many of their recipes.