Coconut Flakes

A pile of coconut shavings next to a cut in half.

In addition, Coconut is rich in protein and healthy fats. Much of the fat content found in Coconut Flakes is in the form of medium-chain triglycerides which is absorbed directly from your small intestine and rapidly used for energy.

Studies have indicated that the oils in Coconut have a neutral effect on cholesterol levels and belly fat which may result in less heart disease risk. It has also been studied that due to the arginine content, there is an Antidiabetic effect. As shown in Diabetic rats, beta cells in their pancreas began to produce more insulin to regulate blood sugar. The fiber in Coconut Meat also slows down digestion thus improving insulin levels.

Another benefit to consuming Coconut is that it contains polyphenol antioxidants that can protect your cells from damage, which may improve your overall health by reducing disease risk.