Himalayan Salt

A pile of pink rock candy on top of a black surface.

Health Benefits

1) Promotes Water Content in the Body.

2) Regulates Blood Sugar Health.

3) Himalayan Salt May Promote pH Balance in Cells.

4) Helps to Generate Hydroelectric Energy in Cells.

5) Food Absorption Assistance.

6) Assists in Passing Food Particles Throughout the Intestinal Tract.

7) Supports Respiratory Health and Sinus Health.

8) Reduces Muscle Cramps.

9) May Strengthen Bones.

10) Assists with Sleep

11) May Promote Libido and Vascular Health.

12) Assists in Regulation of Blood Pressure Taken with Water.

13) Minor Skin Irritation.
Soak in a Himalayan salt bath.

Table salt (inorganic sodium chloride) water is needed to surround it in order to break it down into sodium and chloride ions. As a result, water is extracted from your cells to neutralize the sodium chloride. This is NOT optimal for cell health.
