Black Beans

A pile of black beans on top of a table.

Health Benefits

1) Heart Health
Black Beans may improve heart health by lowering cholesterol levels because of the high fiber concentrate. The anti-hypertensive effects can improve blood pressure which places less stress on the cardiovascular system.

2) Anti-Cancer
The various flavonoids found in Black Beans act as antioxidants, fighting disease and free radicals.

3) Better Digestion
The fiber and high content of protein assists food to move through the digestive tract, resulting in the elimination of waste, healing constipation. Black Beans are also digested slower so you will feel satisfied longer.

4) May Control Blood Sugar
Because of the steady rate of digestion, there is a steady absorption of nutrients so; therefore, this reduces the crashes or increases in blood sugars, thus assisting Diabetic patients or those with sugar-related issues.

5) Sexual Dysfunction

6) The Molybdenum Found in Black Beans Counteracts and Neutralizes the Sulfite Found in Foods and Wines.
It also assists in cell energy production and development of the nervous system. In addition, the molybdenum has reduced impotence and erectile dysfunction in older men. This vitamin has been linked to increased energy and interest in sexual activity in older men.

7) Nervous System Health
Folate is the essential component in the regulation of certain amino acids needed for the nervous system. Deficiencies lead to an increase in homocysteine levels, which can lead to Parkinson’s Disease.

8) Prenatal Health
Did you know that folate can protect infants in the womb? These levels in the mother’s body are very important and necessary for the healthy development of the fetus, specifically its spinal cord and brain.

Please make certain that your beans are cooked and soaked prior, to avoid harmful effects of phytic acid.