Orange Peel

A close up of an orange sliced in half

Health Benefits

1) Heart Health
The flavonoid in Orange Peel maintains blood pressure and cholesterol. The polymethoxylated flavones also help to lower cholesterol more effectively than some drugs.

2) Allergy Prevention
Orange Peel contains compound that help prevent histamine release.

3) Cancer Prevention
The peel of the orange slows down the growth of cancer cells and can reduce the number of Squamous Cell Carcinoma (a fatal skin cancer). In addition, the consumption of daily Orange Peel will significantly reduce chances of lung and skin cancer.

4) Weight Loss
Orange rind increases your metabolism and burns body fat.

5) Better Digestion

6) Hangover Cure

7) Bad Breath Remedy

8) Consuming Orange Peel is a Preventative Defense Against Infections, Colds and the Flu.

9) Skin Remedies
Applying Orange Peel to the skin fights blackheads, dead cells, acne, pore issues, dark circles under the eyes and dry skin.

10) Cures Asthma
Orange Peel minimizes phlegm.